Page design and coding by Intellect for Umsizi only

How they are treated

There is a mixture between love and hate for the vervets in some cases both of these affections can be bad. Lets start with Love. You love monkeys so you spend your time feeding them, Hand feeding. Now as said before sometimes this is ok but not all the time. If they have plenty of natural foods you should not be encouraging human intereactions. Its the safest option for them. If you had to go away on holiday or die and they werent getting the food they would simply go to another persons house and result in stealing which results in cruelty retaliation from the humans that dis like monkeys. Also you get the occasional person who wants one as a pet another big problem. Primates are not pets and not only is it highly illegal its cruel and un-natural. Vervets do not make good pets and once kept as a pet their rehabiliation is extremely difficult.

Ok so now hate. Here people retaliate towards the vervets by shooting them, running them over and even acts as cruel as poisoning. Yes it happens and often at that. Almost every single rescue no matter the original reason has atleast one pellet bullet in its body. Even the babies and pregnant females. Not only do they suffer at the hands of cruel humans but they are constantly at risk to dog attacks, electorucutions by transformers and more. In K.Z.N which takes up a small part of South Africa there is atleast 1-8 rescues a day averaging at about 3 a day. Majority of which are either dead or dying. Populations may seem larger but thats because the areas are getting smaller forcing troops almost ontop of eachother and giving the misconception that they are breeding too much , meanwhile they are dying at rapid rates.Not only all the above problems but with the rural communities that hunt vervets for traditional medicine or dinner. Using snares , traps and hunting dogs. This is not just used for vervets but our other local wildlife aswell.