Umsizi is a non profit organization run by Tracy Rowles. It can only continue through the publics donations. The costs are in running this organization are massive. Caring for over 60 vervet monkeys who need a high nutritional diet of fruit and veg, aswell as enclosures and enrichment. Not only that but the vet bills that come with having constant rescues. Petrol money to get to those rescues and buying food. Not to mention the additional expenses that come with raising the orphans as they go through baby formula extremely fast.
Release sites
Umsizi is in high need of release sites for rehabilitated troops of vervet monkeys. If you have a large natural property/ game reserve. please contact us to arrange a meeting. As all areas need to be properly assessed by Tracy to ensure the monkeys survival and well being.Spread the word
Spreading the word about Umsizi's work and helping with fund raisers is another big help. Even a simple share on your facebook page can help us find donaters and sponsors who are willing to help, Aswell as raise awareness about what is happening to our primates.